A Personal Day

Today’s post is a bit different, more personal. I want to share with you what the lord has done for me, although I do not deserve it. I am sure you, friend, have had a time where trials swirled around you and the best you could do was to keep your head above water. That has been my experience for awhile. However…

The Lord is faithful to deliver us from trials! Even DURING trials He can deliver us to a new perspective of trials, an eternal one. Trials are meant to produce perseverance and make us more like Him. We fight it though, don’t we?

Short and sweet for now, because I have the blessing of tending to a new grandbaby and must run, but…remember this…

Although we feel the best we can do is keep our head above water, keep in mind…

More about this later, I promise! I will tell what trials the Lord allowed and how I barely scraped thorough, but learned a lot for the next trial. For now, here’s a verse to encourage you! It is about our response to God when we have maybe had the wrong perspective of trials and ,if you’re like me, failed to use and shine His light at times I should have. He’s a loving God that forgives us for our mistakes and revives us with new energy and holy insight. Praise Him!

With love from the Father to you, have a great day. I will pray that your trials are lessened and your heart is lightened and your way is lit by God.


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